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 ⊹ beyond the myths
Nevaeh Rhodes
  Nevaeh Rhodes  
- Shade of winter -

▎ Messages postés : 476
▎ Pseudo : midnight shadow
▎ Faceclaim : bb gomez.
▎ Crédits : midnight shadow; pepperland, levy-tran (gifs sign.)
▎ Multi-comptes : Lennon & Jules
▎ Points récoltés : 10
⊹ beyond the myths Giphy
▎ Your age : 31 ans.
▎ Job/Studies : Journaliste intrépide.
▎ En savoir plus :
⊹ beyond the myths Tumblr_onagkcp38m1qmmgooo1_250 ⊹ beyond the myths Tumblr_onagkcp38m1qmmgooo2_250 ⊹ beyond the myths Tumblr_onagkcp38m1qmmgooo3_250
❥ she's a tornado with pretty eyes and a heartbeat
“baby the stars above will light the way. just take my hand and hear the words i say. when the morning comes, i'll always stay, you gotta know, you gotta know that i'm feeling this way.”

▎ The one you love : ⊹ beyond the myths Gfdphc

▎ Annuaire rp : RP EN COURS :
#alecsy ♡ #beatriz3


https://likeariver.forumactif.com/t103-nevaeh-moonchild https://likeariver.forumactif.com/t372-the-heart-wants-what-it-wants-nevaeh
⊹ beyond the myths Empty
Sujet: ⊹ beyond the myths   ⊹ beyond the myths EmptyDim 5 Nov 2023 - 14:14

if I show you all my demons and we dive into the deep end, would we crash and burn like every time before? I would tell you all my secrets, wrap your arms around my weakness if the only other option's letting go, i'll stay vulnerable.
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