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-- Aperçu du personnage et informations détaillés --
Nova Hamilton
- Summer sunshine -
Nova Hamilton
- Hors ligne -
- -
Dernière visite : Sam 20 Juil 2024 - 17:50

Trouver tous les sujets ouverts par Nova Hamilton

▎ Date d'inscription :
▎ Messages postés :
▎ Pseudo :
▎ Faceclaim :
(( Emma Watson ))
▎ Crédits :
Primavera, Siren charms, sunsetbabe, Tumblr.
▎ Multi-comptes :
Soraya et Selene.
▎ Points récoltés :
▎ Selfie :
Voir un profil - Nova Hamilton S44ojf
▎ Your age :
(( 30 ans ))
▎ Your preference :
(( Hétérosexuelle ))
▎ Job/Studies :
(( Responsable éditoriale chez Brontë Publishing ))
▎ The one you love :
Voir un profil - Nova Hamilton Tumblr_pkxardHaRD1u89h06o1_250
▎ Annuaire rp :
____ I’m constantly reminded of the fact that i used to love you. every conversation we have is almost ruined by the words left hanging on my lips that i force myself to forget. but you’re still an instinct to me like habit, on reflex. you surround me even when you’re gone. the most terrifying kind of phantom. part of me hates you for being so perfect for me, the only one i can imagine spending the rest of my life with. It’s not fair that i give you everything, every part of me and you can’t even give half of yourself back.

(( Ava )) - (( Milo )) - (( Nora & Camden )) - (( Owen ))

x x x x x

(( Ava )) - (( Benedict ))
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