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 ⊹ island bay
Jules Sloane
  Jules Sloane  
- Autumn leaves -

▎ Messages postés : 355
▎ Pseudo : midnight shadow
▎ Faceclaim : kat mcnamara.
▎ Crédits : avatar (midnight shadow) - sigature (siren charms) - gifs/images (tumblr).
▎ Multi-comptes : lennon & nevaeh.
▎ Points récoltés : 15
⊹ island bay 968c6fb1d1aa5a240d75780e1918ae6e21a64e48
▎ Your age : 32 yo (13.09.91)
▎ Job/Studies : Résidente en chirurgie cardiaque.
▎ En savoir plus :
⊹ island bay 96hm ⊹ island bay Qxkg ⊹ island bay Ksyu
She was broken but never hopeless; alone but never lonely. Her eyes reflected pain but projected courage. She was a beautiful paradox.

⊹ island bay N3J91

⊹ island bay Clary-fairchild-gif-katherine-mcnamara-Favim.com-6922172 ⊹ island bay Tumblr_p0r53o9D831s9zzelo4_250

⊹ island bay VW4lA

⊹ island bay Tumblr_pjsuuzUQW21tuma5yo4_400 ⊹ island bay Tumblr_opes67Wvnj1vvgg6jo5_250

▎ The one you love : ⊹ island bay C2486bda0c0a8c0c963d9ad36b5d5013

▎ Annuaire rp : #Noah5 #Lidye4

Archivés : #Noah3 #rpaustin#rpnoah1#rplidye1#rplidye2rplidye3#rpnoah2#rpaccidentrprory

https://likeariver.forumactif.com/t43-jules-this-girl-is-on-fire https://likeariver.forumactif.com/t149-jules-sweet-but-psycho https://likeariver.forumactif.com/t680-8719-010-0001-jules-sloane#4896 https://likeariver.forumactif.com/t671-jsloane
⊹ island bay Empty
Sujet: ⊹ island bay   ⊹ island bay EmptyLun 9 Sep 2019 - 13:37

She's the type of person to look you right in the eye when she lies but not one to look in the eye when her heart is involved. it’s not that she’s faint of heart, she’d just rather it stop than skip a beat because she’s not one for feeling weak.
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⊹ island bay
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